

Name of Activity

Chinese Traditional Toys


  • Learn about the names and techniques used in traditional Chinese toys.
  • Discover how to play with spinning tops and balancing bamboo dragonflies.
  • Develop an attitude of love towards traditional culture and appreciation for artwork created by oneself.

Brief Descriptions

Nowadays, children are proficient in using modern technology, but they may not be familiar with the toys and gadgets that were popular among ancient children. By engaging in interactive learning activities centered around traditional Chinese toys, we aim to educate children about these gadgets and help them appreciate the ingenuity of their ancestors. Not only do these simple and eco-friendly toys offer entertainment, but they can also bring joy and happiness.

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Name of Activity

Dragon Boat Festival (making rice dumplings)


  • Understand the origin and customs of Dragon Boat Festival.
  • Know the materials and steps of making rice dumplings.
  • Share the fun of eating rice dumplings.

Brief Descriptions

The “Dragon Boat Festival” falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month every year. The activity allows children to understand the origin and customs of Dragon Boat Festival, telling the story of Qu Yuan and the origin of dragon boat racing.
Through the “Making Zongzi” activity, children can learn about the different materials used to make Zongzi (glutinous rice, mung beans, pork, egg yolks and glutinous rice leaves), the steps of making Zongzi, and try to put the materials on the leaves.
During the sharing activity, children were allowed to open cooked rice dumplings, observe the difference between raw and cooked rice dumplings, and taste the traditional food “rice dumplings” together.

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Name of Activity

Funny DIY Lantern


・Understand the uses and characteristics of lanterns.
・Master the technique of folding round colored paper in half.
・Deepen children’s understanding of traditional culture.

Brief Descriptions

During the activity, children experienced lanterns as traditional Chinese handicrafts and realized that using lanterns as decorations during festivals such as the Mid-Autumn Festival and Lantern Festival adds a festive atmosphere. By manipulating lanterns, children understand that lanterns can provide lighting. Additionally, they can share their past experiences of playing with lanterns during the Mid-Autumn Festival. Children also expressed great interest in making lanterns to decorate the classroom. Therefore, they created their own lanterns through origami, pasting, and paper cutting.

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Name of Activity

The Exploration of Chinese Brush


・To learn the characteristics of the Chinese Brush.
・To understand that the Chinese Brush is an invention of China.
・To enjoy drawing lines with Chinse Brush.

Brief Descriptions

Children can explore the structural characteristics of the Chinese Brush through observations and touching the brush, and to help children understand that the Chinese Brush is an invention of China through the diverse sharing of children.
First, children learn to draw thick and fine lines with the Chinese Brush on Chinese Rice Paper and are allowed to experience different skills while wielding the brush. Later, each child is asked to draw a “Bamboo”, and then to share their artwork with each other, children can experience the specialty of the Chinese Brush and therefore cultivate children’s recognition of the Chinese culture.

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